Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Golden Rule of Marketing

A few days ago we looked at this simple model representing the big picture around Marketing.

We stated that the job of marketing is to find people who are most interested in what you are selling. So before we go on, let's assume you already have something to sell and that you are an expert on the subject. You believe in the product or service and use it yourself. This allows you to truly present yourself as an expert and provide personal testimony to what you are selling.

If you are anything like me, and you probably are, you become so "sold" on your product that you believe it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Your product is a "no brainer" and anyone who becomes aware of it will instantly want it. It will "sell itself." You then think you don't have to know anything about sales, marketing, leadership or owning a business. Well...How's that working for you?

Perhaps like me you have learned the hard way that it just isn't that simple. This is sales and it takes work. So you try harder. You pass out flyers on cars, you stop everyone within three feet of you to show them your product, and you give presentations to your friends and family. When that doesn't work you invite them to a professional presentation at the Holiday Inn. You run out of people to talk to so you buy biz-op leads hoping to recruit someone else who can actually sell your product for you.

And nothing works. You hear successful business people tell their stories of how they started earning six figures in six months. You read stories on the Internet about ordinary people generating insane sums of money overnight selling something on eBay or a fancy web site. (What you do not hear is how many years they failed before learning proper marketing skills.) So you try different products, switch to a new company, change your hair sytle and buy a new suit. Still nothing. So what's wrong?


That sounds harsh. The last thing I ever want to hear is that there is something wrong with me. Now that I have your attention let me say that there is NOT really anything inherently wrong with you. There is just something missing. But what is missing is not "out there" somewhere for you to find it. What you need is actually inside of you. You are just not aware of it.

Think I'm kidding? I'll prove it to you.

Have you heard of the Golden Rule?

Of course you have. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Write it down. Put it on the mirror. Look at it ten times a day until it is always in the very front of your mind. Constantly remember this rule. Why? Because...

The Golden Rule is most likely what has been missing from your marketing.

You's not about what you are selling. Don't miss this one. IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SELLING. It's about THEM.


It is about their needs. Does anyone need soap? Not really. Most people want to be clean and body fresh. But does that mean they need soap? If they decide soap is the answer to their personal hygiene, then do they need your soap? Why should they buy it from you if all you care about is selling soap?

So it's your choice. You can spend your time trying to educate people on the need for soap. Or you can find people who are interested in buying soap. Better yet, you can find people who already buy soap and provide them with a service that they will appreciate.

When you honestly put your customer first, you will find one harsh reality. Not everyone is your customer. Some people, no matter how hard you try, will not take a bath. Some people, no matter how desperately they need an extra income, will not get another job or start their own business. Please don't ask me why. These are some of life's mysteries to me.

Are you getting the picture? Please send me your comments about this article by clicking on the comments link below.

To your success,

PS. If after reading this blog you realize that you need to take a bath and use some soap, then please do so. No, I do not sell soap.


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