Success Systems in Network Marketing
Every winning Network Marketing company has a "Success System" to plug you into immediately to get you started. When you take a close look at these "systems" they all look similar, and provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step processes.
The best way to describe these step-by-step processes is with a FlowChart. You are probably already familiar with flowcharts, which provide a visual representation of individual steps in a process. They represent an entire process from start to finish and can help you analyze the number of steps, bottlenecks, and other obstacles. They can also serve as an instruction manual to new users.
A new associate in a MLM company is usually taught to follow these steps in a process to market the products, services, and opportunity:
Step 1: Make a list of everyone you know
Step 2: Narrow the list to the top 10 people you want to expose
Step 3: Get on the phone and call them, preferably with your “up line”
Step 4: Invite them to listen to a pre-recorded message
Step 5: Call them back and ask them for a face-to-face appointment
Step 6: Invite them to a business meeting or opportunity presentation
Step 7: Repeat steps 3 through 6 until they say “yes”
In the above process, you have several tools at your disposal to provide exposure to the prospect. These could include pre-recorded messages, videos, magazines, websites, business luncheons, evening hotel meetings, conference calls, 1-on-1 personal presentations, and in-home business receptions.
When it comes to marketing a new product or service, word-of-mouth advertising is extremely powerful. This is the same thing you would do if you opened a hardware store or dress shop. People need to know what you provide and how it can benefit them. If a company could mass market a product simply through advertising, then they would not need individual distributors. As an individual distributor you have the powerful ability to add testimony to your products so that your customers can "see, taste, and feel" the difference the product can make in their lives.
However, when it comes to the "opportunity" side of the business, most people are less open to truly listen. On the average, it takes at least seven exposures for a prospect to finally say “yes” to your opportunity. This means that even if they agree to listen to a pre-recorded message, you must call them back and see if they are ready or need another exposure. The same process still applies if they say “no”. You simply call them back later and offer a different exposure tool.
Now, before you start shooting me…I did not invent this type of recruiting process. Like many of you, I was taught this process and actually tried it before giving up in frustration. I did have some success in recruiting using this process, but few of my new associates were willing to do this amount of work.
“Well, Scott, why don’t you streamline the process and use the Internet?”
OK…here’s an easy 1-Step process that probably most new marketers have tried:
Step 1: Send everyone you know an email and ask them to view your company replicated website. Let the website do all the work for you.
You might be thinking right now, “Scott, does that really work?” Well, as I said, you’ve probably already tried it and know the answer. It did not work for me either. In fact, I don’t have the numbers for cold-call, hard sell conversion rates on a replicated website, but it’s probably on the order of 1-in-10,000. So if you are fortunate to know 100,000 people and their email addresses, you may have a chance of getting ten to sign up using only your replicated website. Of that 10, probably only one will repeat what you did IF that person also has 100,000 friends.
Back to flowcharts…
Using a flowchart to graphically represent a particular process allows you to quickly see where the problems are located. In the above example, a very small number of prospects are moved through a very labor-intensive and costly process.
What you need in order to reach a massive number of prospective buyers is a system that includes multiple automated processes. Of course, you also need a marketing strategy for bringing massive numbers of people into your system.
NOTE: In The Dragonfly Project, I have created a system that draws targeted prospects into the process "pipeline" and converts them into paying customers. The best part is that it will work for ANY online business!
Using the Systems Approach and a valuable tool called Process Mapping, you can design for yourself an efficient money making system that automatically does much of the work for you. By mapping the various processes you will have a clear picture of your entire system.
These tools do not cost a penny to use, and I am going to teach you how to use them to build your own system. This information will not turn you into a systems engineer, but it will unravel the mystery behind the “secrets” of successful network marketing.
The best way to describe these step-by-step processes is with a FlowChart. You are probably already familiar with flowcharts, which provide a visual representation of individual steps in a process. They represent an entire process from start to finish and can help you analyze the number of steps, bottlenecks, and other obstacles. They can also serve as an instruction manual to new users.
A new associate in a MLM company is usually taught to follow these steps in a process to market the products, services, and opportunity:
Step 1: Make a list of everyone you know
Step 2: Narrow the list to the top 10 people you want to expose
Step 3: Get on the phone and call them, preferably with your “up line”
Step 4: Invite them to listen to a pre-recorded message
Step 5: Call them back and ask them for a face-to-face appointment
Step 6: Invite them to a business meeting or opportunity presentation
Step 7: Repeat steps 3 through 6 until they say “yes”
In the above process, you have several tools at your disposal to provide exposure to the prospect. These could include pre-recorded messages, videos, magazines, websites, business luncheons, evening hotel meetings, conference calls, 1-on-1 personal presentations, and in-home business receptions.
When it comes to marketing a new product or service, word-of-mouth advertising is extremely powerful. This is the same thing you would do if you opened a hardware store or dress shop. People need to know what you provide and how it can benefit them. If a company could mass market a product simply through advertising, then they would not need individual distributors. As an individual distributor you have the powerful ability to add testimony to your products so that your customers can "see, taste, and feel" the difference the product can make in their lives.
However, when it comes to the "opportunity" side of the business, most people are less open to truly listen. On the average, it takes at least seven exposures for a prospect to finally say “yes” to your opportunity. This means that even if they agree to listen to a pre-recorded message, you must call them back and see if they are ready or need another exposure. The same process still applies if they say “no”. You simply call them back later and offer a different exposure tool.
Now, before you start shooting me…I did not invent this type of recruiting process. Like many of you, I was taught this process and actually tried it before giving up in frustration. I did have some success in recruiting using this process, but few of my new associates were willing to do this amount of work.
“Well, Scott, why don’t you streamline the process and use the Internet?”
OK…here’s an easy 1-Step process that probably most new marketers have tried:
Step 1: Send everyone you know an email and ask them to view your company replicated website. Let the website do all the work for you.
You might be thinking right now, “Scott, does that really work?” Well, as I said, you’ve probably already tried it and know the answer. It did not work for me either. In fact, I don’t have the numbers for cold-call, hard sell conversion rates on a replicated website, but it’s probably on the order of 1-in-10,000. So if you are fortunate to know 100,000 people and their email addresses, you may have a chance of getting ten to sign up using only your replicated website. Of that 10, probably only one will repeat what you did IF that person also has 100,000 friends.
Back to flowcharts…
Using a flowchart to graphically represent a particular process allows you to quickly see where the problems are located. In the above example, a very small number of prospects are moved through a very labor-intensive and costly process.
What you need in order to reach a massive number of prospective buyers is a system that includes multiple automated processes. Of course, you also need a marketing strategy for bringing massive numbers of people into your system.
NOTE: In The Dragonfly Project, I have created a system that draws targeted prospects into the process "pipeline" and converts them into paying customers. The best part is that it will work for ANY online business!
Using the Systems Approach and a valuable tool called Process Mapping, you can design for yourself an efficient money making system that automatically does much of the work for you. By mapping the various processes you will have a clear picture of your entire system.
These tools do not cost a penny to use, and I am going to teach you how to use them to build your own system. This information will not turn you into a systems engineer, but it will unravel the mystery behind the “secrets” of successful network marketing.
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