Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Who Is Scott Douglas?

Please let me introduce myself...

I am a successful engineer who holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and a Professional Engineering license.

The majority of my career was spent working as an engineer and successful consultant to government agencies where I designed and implemented management policies and strategies. My skills as a problem solver, innovator, public speaker, seminar leader, and trainer have been sought after in local governments, and on a national level in Washington circles.

My life has been built on a belief system that I was raised with…work hard, get a good education, treat others fairly, get a good job, live happily ever after…

Two years ago that changed.

I envisioned more from life and knew that my abilities were worth more than a guaranteed salary as an employee. I dreamed of working hard and serving others while spending more time on personal hobbies and giving back to the community. I wanted to transition my life from working to living.

After 20 years of serving the government, I walked away from my job and began living my dream. Today I am building my life on service to others. My worth is determined by my ability to help other people fulfill their needs and dreams.

Internetworking is a means by which I can market my service to those who need it. There are several systems consistently being used by big money earners I've met along the way, and these same systems can be readily learned and used by others seeking success.

I now enjoy an abundant life that allows me time and freedom to serve my fellow man.


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