Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Greatest Dinner Party Ever

A couple thousand years ago, one man shared something with a few of his friends. What he shared was more than a single dream or vision. He freely shared the Truth of all life. What was that Truth? That He, Himself, was:

The Way,

The Truth, and

The Life.

In fact, he did much more than just talk about it. He proved it. For his last dinner he served bread to represent his body, and wine to represent his blood. Then the very next day, his body was broken and his blood spilled out to profoundly change the world forever.

Some said he was a liar, a deceiver or con man. Others said he was a lunatic, crazy, or possessed by the devil. Finally, others said he was who he claimed to be. Lord of all creation, made flesh to become a sacrifice for all humanity because he loved us so much.

Which is he? Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? Each of us at some point in our lives must face this question and decide for ourselves.

If he were a liar, the friends that he shared the Truth with would have realized it was not the truth. The story would have ended. If he were a lunatic, we would have the same result.

The only explanation for what we have today is that he demonstrated who he was by raising himself from the dead, thereby proving that he is Lord over all death and life.

Each one of his followers present at that last dinner party became believers in this Truth. They openly shared the Truth even in the face of death and persecution. The dinner party grew in number and continues to this day. Every day millions of believers break the bread and drink the wine to remember his sacrifice for us.

What does this have to do with the Systems Approach to Marketing? Only that it is the most significant and profound example of massive numbers coming together with a shared belief spread entirely by word-of-mouth.

Call it network marketing, direct sales, affiliate marketing, viral marketing…whatever. I don’t care. It still boils down to people becoming a part of something, and then sharing it with others.

God Bless You,

PS. If you are wondering who is this person I am speaking of, then please drop an email to: scott [at]


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