Friday, July 13, 2007

A Perpetual Marketing System

Just in case you've been wondering...Yes, I've been very busy working on my project. Look for an update over on the Dragonfly Project blog in the next week or so.

But since it is built on the sound principles in the "Systems Approach", here is a big picture view of what is going on.

Again, it has to do with the three basic elements of a system:

1. Input
2. A Process (or processes), and
3. An Output

We already know that in business, if you have no INPUT to that business... you have no business.

Take your J.O.B. for example. The input is the time and effort spent working at the job. If you are getting paid by the hour, there is a direct correlation between the number of hours you work and the amount you get paid.

The input is the number of hours you work.
The process is the job itself.
The output is what you get paid.

The same applies to marketing a business. You MUST do some form of marketing in order to generate income from the sales process.

No product or service, regardless of how good it is, will market itself. Period.

So what's all this talk about "automated marketing"?

By using computers and the internet it is very easy to automate many of the processes required for following up with prospects and closing the deal. But there still must be some input before the automated process can take over.

Is there a way to automate the input side of the equation?

Well, yes and no. But remember... "there ain't no free lunch".

Many fortunes have been made on the internet by selling the input side to marketing. Sometimes it is in the form of leads, other times it is traffic to a website. Using these paid services, you can automate the input through outsourcing.

However, all you are actually doing is changing the input from a little work on your part to a lot of money out of your pocket. You then have to be very careful to ensure you are not spending more on the input than is generated in revenue (the output) by the process. For most, it becomes a negative cash flow proposition.

Now let's look at "Free" visitors to your business.

Generating your own visitors (or traffic) without spending any money requires some work. This will be explained in more details on the Dragonfly Project blog. But for now, it boils down to this...

You click your mouse in a "Traffic Exchange" to view other people's business offer so that, in return, they will view yours when they click their mouse.

The input is a click of the mouse.
The process is automated by the Traffic Exchange.
The output is traffic. Other people looking at your business offer.

But what happens when you stop clicking?

Since the input is YOU clicking...when you stop...the traffic stops...the output stops.

Not much fun there, huh? What about all those people lying around on the beach while their internet business keeps spinning out loads of cash?

Well, they may make it look easy. But trust me on this...if they are honestly lying out on the beach...they earned it through hard work and one other thing...


Using leverage you can lift a 100 lb object with 10 lbs of force. It is in effect a "force multiplier". Businesses use leverage to take the efforts of their employees and multiply that into a profit.

Using the right leverage, you too can build YOUR business to multiply your results through the efforts of others. You will be able to leverage your free traffic into free RESIDUAL traffic that grows on its own.

Your free residual traffic can then become residual income if you use that traffic as input to your business.

When you do it have GROWING residual traffic that becomes GROWING residual income!

Well...that's the BIG PICTURE overview. The details are "in the pudding" and will be provided on the Dragonfly Project blog where you will learn how to create your own...

Perpetual Marketing System.

Thanks for reading!

Scott Douglas (aka "The Dragonfly")


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