Do you know the Secret?
Our Creative Ability is the greatest potential within each of us.
God CREATED us in His own image. As His creation and in His likeness we each have the power to create. Though not in the sense that we can simply say "let there be light" and it becomes so.
Thomas Edison created the light bulb. But not by his word. It was first by his vision and a dream to turn electricity into light, and then through repeated actions that brought it about.
We create our own lives in the sense that we become what we think about.
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
Unfortunately, many of us do not realize this or control what we think. As a result, our creative potential remains untapped.
In terms of the Systems Approach...there is a universal process by which what you think about and put into your mind dictates what you will receive in life.
Albert Einstein said it like this...
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Become aware of the law of attraction. Be careful what you think and what you ask for. You will receive from life what you expect to receive. Expect the BEST.
Have a wonderful and creative 2007!
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas
God CREATED us in His own image. As His creation and in His likeness we each have the power to create. Though not in the sense that we can simply say "let there be light" and it becomes so.
Thomas Edison created the light bulb. But not by his word. It was first by his vision and a dream to turn electricity into light, and then through repeated actions that brought it about.
We create our own lives in the sense that we become what we think about.
Unfortunately, many of us do not realize this or control what we think. As a result, our creative potential remains untapped.
In terms of the Systems Approach...there is a universal process by which what you think about and put into your mind dictates what you will receive in life.
Albert Einstein said it like this...
Become aware of the law of attraction. Be careful what you think and what you ask for. You will receive from life what you expect to receive. Expect the BEST.
Have a wonderful and creative 2007!
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas